Compass Green Visits CSCS

We had the most wonderful accident happen today at CSCS! Compass Green Project, an amazing educational vehicle dedicated to teaching students about sustainability in our food production, had a free day in their schedule, and they came to visit with our students.

How did this happy event occur? Big thanks go to the Rolfson family for making it happen. They are friends with Compass Green folks.

All the K-6 students had a chance to learn from their amazing staff and truck. It dovetailed so nicely with agriculture work that all these classes are doing and will be doing during our “Earth” year. Be sure to ask your K-6 student about it!

Where were the 7/8 students? They were visiting Springwater Environmental Charter School in Oregon City as part of an on-going partnership with that sister, place-based education school. Springwater students will be visiting CSCS later this year as well.


Below are a few shots from Lisa’s 5/6 class visit:

Students got an orientation before getting up close to the truck.

Students got an orientation before getting up close to the truck.

Then half the students went inside for a tour of the beds and all the internal greenhouse workings.

Then half the students went inside for a tour of the beds and all the internal greenhouse workings.

Meanwhile the other half were outside for a lesson on how the biodiesel-fueled vehicle works.

Meanwhile the other half were outside for a lesson on how the biodiesel-fueled vehicle works.




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