Fieldwork Coordinator Update January 2018

Despite the rain, fieldwork continues at the Cottonwood School. Owls, archaeology, and immigration are just some of the topics our kids will be exploring. Here is the breakdown of project work and related fieldwork for this winter:


Kindergarten: Birds

Tryon Creek State Park

Portland Audubon Society Sanctuary Tour

Audubon Owl Program visit to the classroom

Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge

4-H traveling bird kits


1st and 2nd Grades: Restaurant Management

Tour of Verde Cocina restaurant

Tour of City Rotisserie restaurant plus classroom visit from owner

Oregon Food Bank

Urban Lift Food Pantry

Baking class at Portland Culinary Workshop


3rd Grade: Archaeology and Native Peoples

Classroom Visit from U of O’s Museum of Natural and Cultural History

Classroom visit from a working archaeologist

The third graders will also be raising trout in their classroom this winter, with support from 4-H


4th and 5th Grade: Colonial Period and the Revolutionary War

The class will be lending a traveling trunk from the Daughters of the American Revolution Museum in Washington D.C. that will help immerse students in colonial times.

This winter, the 4th/5th classes will also be working over multiple weeks with two partners on other projects:

  • Artist Nina Montenegro will be leading a banner-making project around the idea of “home”
  • Board member Jeff Slinger will be leading an architecture unit in which students will learn more about portland buildings, including model-making


6th Grade: Civil Rights and Portland’s African-American History

Oregon Historical Society

Clinton Street Theater for screening of “Selma”

Tryon Creek State Park to simulate the Selma march

City Hall tour and meet with Rachael Mortimer from the Independent Police Review Division

Classroom visit from the Black History 101 Mobile Museum

Classroom visit from JoAnn Hardesty, head of the Portland NAACP and candidate for city commissioner

Classroom visit from Donovan Smith to present his film about Portland gentrification

Classroom visit from Juli Kirby, lifelong resident of Portland

Classroom visit from Diane Hess, Fair Housing Council of Oregon

Scavenger Hunt to multiple locations in North, Northeast and Northwest Portland


7th and 8th Grade: Immigration and Portland’s Latino Community

The Portland Mercado (two visits)

The Oregon Jewish Museum

The Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center

The Design Museum to learn how to make a “pop-up” exhibit for the Mercado

Classroom visit from the Columbia Maritime Museum about early Oregon immigration practices

Classroom visit from the Washington County Museum about the Bracero Program

Oregon Historical Museum traveling trunk on Mexican-American Traditional Arts

Guest Speaker from the Oregon Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association

Guest Speaker from the Latino Network (pending)


Another busy trimester! I’ll check back in with stories and photos next month.


As a last note, Angie’s 1st/2nd grade class wrote an acrostic poem about Mirabella. Students visit with residents once a month to meet with their reading buddies.


M is for make magnificent crafts

I is for important

R is for reading buddies

A is for amazing

B is for big beautiful building

E is for extraordinary

L is for loving people

L is for lovely views

A is for awesome


Thank you, Mirabella!

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